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CCT Mrna and CREB phosphorylation upregulated by xxx in rat hippocampus and XXXX.

Yu-cang Du, Kan-yan Xu, Ying Xiong,Ming Dong, Xiu-Fang CHEN, Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry, Shanghai Institute of Physiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shanghai 200031,China

CTP: phosphocholine cytdylyltransferase(CCT) is a key enzyme in vivo phospholipide synthesis.So it might play an important role in the pathogensis of neurodegenerative disease lide AD. XXXXXXXXXXX long-term memory depended on cyclic AMP-response element binding protein, CREB. CREB phosphorylation is essential for it’s transcriptional activity. XXXpeptide ZNCPR and it’s analogs were indicated to have prtent memory-enhacing activity, facilitate neurite enongation and prolongate cell ageing, the peptide-up regulation of CCT and CREB mRNA and was studied in this paper. xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx from Western blot with specific anti-phosphorylated CREB antibody indicated.xxxx.By using DD-PCR and 5’ rapid amplification of cDNA ends approaches, xxxxx xxxx cDNA xxxxx rats CCT-βwas obtained. The study xx xxxx xxxxxx with reverse transcriptin PCR showed that the gene was abundant in rat brain. Based on xxx, we now know that xxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxx  


如果有任何疑问,请联系   马大为教授  (madw@mail.sioc.ac.cn)